Managing customers

Every time a new customer places an order in your store, their name and information appear on your customer list. You can see and manage all your customers at the Customers page in your store admin. From there, you can add, edit, delete, filter, or search for a customer profile, as well as see all orders placed by a specific customer. If you want to give discounts to a specific set of customers, then you can create a customer group.

Adding customers

You can add customers in bulk by importing them to your existing store. For example, if you're a brick-and-mortar store or a restaurant entering into e-commerce, you can add your existing customers to the customer list in your online store.

Once customers are added, you can mark them as tax-exempt or include them into a customer group (loyal customers, wholesalers, etc) and give them special discounts on their online orders.

To import customers:

  1. Create a simple CSV file with a customer list using a text editor, Excel, or OpenOffice.
    This CSV file must have comma (",") as a delimiter and it must start with a header ("name","email","password").

    You can import a customer’s name, email address, and password (optional).


  2. From your store admin, go to Apps → App Market.
  3. Get and install the Import customers app. It’s free.
  4. Upload your CSV file via this app and new customers will be automatically created.

Please refer to the Importing customer lists article for more in-depth instructions.

Editing customers

You can change an existing customer profile to update their information.

To edit a customer’s information:

  1. From your store admin, go to My Sales → Customers.
  2. Click Actions → Edit Customer next to the customer profile you want to edit, or tick the profile and click Mass Update to choose an action.
  3. You can change a customer’s:
    • name
    • email address
    • assigned customer group
    • tax exemption settings
    • if the customer accepts marketing (agrees to receive marketing emails)

      You can also add a wide range of additional information on this customer like their social media accounts, phone numbers, shipping address, etc.
  4. Click Save to confirm your changes. Changes made with Mass Update are saved automatically.

Searching and filtering customers

Use the Filter bar on the Customers page to search for customer name and email or filter all the customers that match one or more criteria (customer group assigned, tax-exempt, whether they accept email marketing, number of orders placed, etc).

To filter customers:

  1. From your store admin, go to My Sales → Customers.
  2. Search for a full name or email address, or click Filter in the upper left corner to select the filter and conditions that you want.

Now you can see customers that match your filters. You can move between pages if there are multiple pages of results.

To remove the applied filters, clear the entered customer's name or unselect a filter.

Exporting customers

You can export the whole of your customer list or its part to a CSV file. Exporting (and importing) customer data is the fastest way to update existing customer information or add new customers in bulk.

As an example, you can get a list of customers who allowed to send them promo emails.

To export specific customer list:

  1. From your store admin, go to My Sales → Customers page.
  2. Click Filter in the left upper corner to use filters, then choose Subscribed in the Email Marketing Status block.
  3. Tick all the filtered customers and click Mass Update → Export → Export Selected:
    Export selected.png
  4. In the export settings dialog, select the delimiter for your file and the columns that you want to export (by clicking them). Make sure you check the Consent for email marketing column:

    Consent for email marketing.png

  5. Click Download CSV file.

As a result, a CSV file will be downloaded to your computer. You can use email addresses from the exported file with the newsletter service of your choice.

Learn more about exporting customers

Adding customers to groups

From the Customers page, you can add any customer from the list to any of your existing customer groups. Customer groups allow you to organize your customers into groups by different criteria (wholesale clients, B2B, VIP customers, etc.), give them discounts, or create specific CSS codes that can hide or show certain elements depending on a group this customer belongs to.

Before managing customers, you should have at least one group created. To create a customer group:

  1. From your store admin, go to Settings → Customer groups.
  2. Click +Add new customer group.
  3. Enter the name of the group in the new field that appears. Customers which you’ll have assigned to this group will see the group name in their customer accounts in your store.
  4. Click Save.

Now you can sort your customers to groups. To add or remove a customer to a group:

  1. From your store admin, go to My Sales → Customers.
  2. Perform a search, or filter your customer list.
  3. Tick the customers you want to include into a particular group.
  4. Click Mass Update → Add to Group and choose a group of your choice:
    Assign customers to a to group.png

The changes are saved automatically.

To remove a customer from all groups, simply assign them to the "General" group.

Deleting customers

You can delete customer profile records from your store anytime. Deleting a customer account will not remove the order records the customer(s) has placed, and those records are still accessible from the Orders page.

To delete a customer account:

  1. From your store admin, go to My Sales → Customers.
  2. Perform a search, or filter your customer list to find specific customer accounts you wish to delete.
  3. Click Actions → Delete Customer → Delete for the customer profile you want to delete.
  4. (to delete multiple customers at a time) Check the box next to the names of the customer records you want to delete, then click Mass Update → Delete Selected → Delete.
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