If you use delivery services that provide tracking, you can assign tracking numbers to corresponding orders. You can add one tracking number to an order. Your customers will receive the tracking number by email.
To add a tracking number to an order:
- From your store's admin, go to My Sales → Orders.
- Find the order you want to assign the tracking number to.
- Click Update Order.
- Select Mark as Shipped:
- Enter the tracking number:
- Click Mark as Shipped.
- From your iOS app, go to Orders.
- Tap the order you want to assign the tracking number to.
- Tap Edit in the right upper corner.
- Tap Add tracking number and type the number or tap Scan Barcode.
- Tap Done.
- From your Android app, go to Orders.
- Tap the order you want to assign the tracking number to.
- Tap Ship Order.
- Enter a tracking number and tap the tick icon in the top right corner to save changes.
Your customer will get an email with this tracking number.
If you buy shipping labels from your store's admin, you can send the automated notification with the tracking number to your customers.
The tracking number is sent to customers in the email with the subject Order shipped. You can edit the template of this email in Settings → Notifications.
You can set tracking numbers for multiple orders at once with the help of the UpTracker app.