Text decorations in Sitebuilder

The text decorations feature in Sitebuilder allows you to enhance the look and feel of your text elements with a variety of decorative styles. This feature gives you more control over how your text appears on your website, from underlines to scribbles and more. Plus, with color and opacity settings, you can make sure each decoration fits perfectly with your design.

Decorating your text

When you want to apply a text decoration, follow these steps: 

  1. Highlight the text you wish to modify to call out the text control pane. 
  2. Click the Text formatting icon to open the text formatting pane. 
  3. Choose Text effects to open the effects menu. 
  4. From here, you can choose from a variety of decorative styles, adjust their thickness, change colors, and even set corner radius for specific styles like borders as shown in the video below. 

  While two basic decorations are available for free, premium decorations are part of our Silver and Gold plans. If you're on a free plan or a lower-tier plan, you'll see a paywall whenever you try to use premium options. Upgrading gives you full access to all styles and customization settings.

Available text effects

Here’s a breakdown of what you can do:

  • Color and opacity: You can customize the color and opacity for every decoration, making it easy to match your site's color scheme.
  • Thickness settings: For certain styles like underline, scribbles, and strikethroughs, you can adjust the thickness from 1 to 10, depending on the size of your text.
  • Corner radius: For specific decorations, such as label borders and label backgrounds, you can set a corner radius to add a rounded effect.

Clearing text formatting

To clear the text formatting, first, highlight the text, then click the Text formatting icon → the Clear icon. Here’s the video of the process. 


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