Customizing block background

Choosing the right background color for an individual block can help its content stand out from the rest of your website. It's a great way to highlight your offer or your brand. You can choose to change the background of individual blocks or keep the pre-designed background images.

Before replacing a block background image, please consider the following recommendations for image size and resolution.

  1. The best website background image size is 1920 x 1080 pixels and the ideal ratio is 16:9.
  2. The dpi (dots per inch) should be at least 72, yet consider keeping the file size as small as possible to minimize site loading time.

Important: The incorrect image size can lead to pixelation, stretching, and other viewing issues.

To ensure that your image shows well in all browsers, spend some time testing it. If you use Chrome, for example, make sure the image also loads and displays properly when using Safari and Firefox.

Upload the new background image

  1. Hover over the block with a background image. In the control panel, click the Edit image icon.


  2. Click Replace image.


  3. Next, choose one of the two options: to upload a file from your device, or to use a stock image.

  4. Choose a file on your device or in the free stock photos library and submit the changes. The new background image will appear in your block.

Cropping your image

You can zoom in and out of the image as well as crop it by moving up, down, to the left, or to the right. To do so, click the Crop icon:


Next, move the slider to zoom in and out of the image. You can also drag and drop it to move up, down, to the left, or to the right. Once done, click Submit to confirm the changes.

Tip: If you are unhappy with the background change, tap the Undo button in the top right corner or press Ctrl-Z on your keyboard and repeat the steps with another image.

Change the background overlay

You can quickly add a color overlay for a block image background to make your content stand out more. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Hover your cursor over the block you want to add the overlay to. Click Settings.
  2. In the Appearance tab, a tick to Add overlay.

  3. Move the sliding handle to achieve the desired level of transparency for the overlay.
  4. Once you have achieved the desired result, click Save to apply the background changes.

Changing the background color

If you want to change the block background color (not the image), follow these steps:

  1.  Go to Block settings and open the Appearance tab.
  2. Choose one of the pre-designed color schemes in the Block style section. Each background color scheme has been professionally selected to match the look and feel of your website template. For this example, we have chosen a multisurface light color scheme.

    WL - Background-last - 1.png
  3. Click Save to submit the changes.

Note: When you change to a darker color scheme, the font colors of the block will also change automatically to ensure that the text remains easily readable.

Can I remove the background image?

If your block design has an image background, you cannot delete it. If you prefer to have a plain color background for this block, then you can choose a new block with such a design from the Block Library or change the block layout.

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