Managing page settings

From Page Settings, you can change your page name, add custom code to the page, manage your page’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and more. 

To access Page Settings, follow these steps: 

  1. Click Pages on the Topbar to access the Page manager.

  2. In the Page manager, find the page you want to edit.
  3. Click the Settings icon near your target page name to open Page Settings.


Your Page Settings contain two tabs: General and SEO.  Learn what you can do under each tab below.


General tab

In the General tab, you can do the following: 

Note: The custom code feature is available for premium subscribers only.

SEO tab

In the SEO tab,  you can optimize your page settings to improve the website visibility for search engines. Here you can add an SEO-friendly title tag, meta description, and meta keywords. Also, you can manage the page’s overall visibility for search engines.

Read our customizing page SEO settings guide to get full instructions.  

Custom code tab

This tab allows you to add per-page custom code. You may need to upgrade your pricing plan to use this feature.

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