Creating a mobile-responsive website

Your Sitebuilder-based website is professionally designed to look perfect on any device. You don't need to do any custom design for mobile devices. 

All blocks are mobile-optimized and designed to fit the size and format of any device. Your published website design will automatically resize (shrink or enlarge) to look good on all devices, regardless of the screen size and orientation. 

Mobile-friendly design

You don't need to change your block elements for mobile design when building a site, it’s all done automatically. However, your website might look a little different when viewed on a mobile. 

Mobile screens are typically smaller and more narrow than desktop screens. This is why all of the block elements are stacked vertically when the website is viewed on a mobile device. This helps your visitors easily navigate your site on a smaller screen without the need to scroll horizontally or zoom out to see the whole page. 

WL - Responsive mob - 1.png

Note: If your block has several elements aligned horizontally, for example, in the Features or Products blocks, these elements will be stacked vertically in a single column.

Device orientation

Your website design stays responsive when your users rotate their mobile devices. The block elements will remain stacked vertically. 

WL - Responsive mob - 2.png

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