Changing the website’s name

You can change a website’s name you specified during the onboarding right in the website editor.

Note: The website name and website address are different things. The website name is the text you see in the upper-left corner of your site, while the website address is the text you see in your browser address bar.

Changing your website’s name in the website editor

Follow these steps: 

  1. Click the website name in the Header block. You’ll be taken to the Business info tab in the Website settings.
  2. Find the Business name field and type in the new site name.

  3. Click Submit and publish your website to make these changes live.

Note: Your new site name will automatically change in the footer and the copyright notice, so you don’t have to do it manually.

Alternatively, you can change your business information, including your website name (business name) by going directly to the Menu (hamburger icon in the top left corner) → SettingsBusiness info tab.


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